How to create a class:
- Classes are templates for JavaScript objects.
- A constructor method is called when we create a new instance of a class.
class Employee {constructor(name, department) { = name;this.department = department;}}const emp1 = new Employee('Tom', 'IT');console.log(;
- A child class can inherit the properties and methods from a parent class.
- The extends keyword is used when we create a subclass from the parent class.
- The super keyword calls the constructor() of a parent class.
- Static methods are always called on the class, but not on instances of the class.
class Employee {constructor(name) {this._name = name;this._totalVacationDays = 20;}get name() {return this._name;}get totalVacationDays() {return this._totalVacationDays;}static generateTempPassword(){return Math.floor(Math.random()*100000);}}class Accountant extends Employee {constructor(name, education) {super(name);this._education = education;}get educationInfo() {return this._education;}}const accountant1 = new Accountant('Tom', 'Masters');console.log(accountant1.totalVacationDays);console.log(Employee.generateTempPassword());
207452 //generates any random number between 0 and 100000