What is GraphQL?
- A query language for API originally built by Facebook
- Allows to combine multiple queries into one request
What do you need to run a GraphQL API?
- A GraphQL server that serves your API
- A GraphQL client that connects to our API
GraphQL Type System
- Schema The schema defines a set of types
- Queries Queries allow you to get information about specific fields from objects.
- Resolvers
- Resolvers are responsible for getting the data.
- Provides the instructions for turning a GraphQL operation into data.
- Resolvers are the functions that responds to queries and mutations.
What is GraphQL Schema?
- Defines a set of types.
- Defines the query type
Data Types in Schema
- Scalar Types
- Int
- Float
- String
- Boolean
- Null
- List
- Object
- ID (a unique identifier for each entry in GraphQL)
- Custom Types
type Stock {id: IDprice: FloatclosingPrice: Floatname: String}
- Enumeration Type
GraphiQL is a "graphical interactive in-browser GraphQL IDE."
What you can do inside GraphiQL?
- Querying Data - Fileds can be selcted by clicking control + space (macOS)
- Checking docs for the data
- type, schema
- Creating, updating, deleting data (mutation)
Operation Types
- Query - allows to query information/data
- Mutation - allows to create/update data
- Subscription - notifies changes in data in real time
Handling Data
- Aliases
- Used to request data for same fields with different argument
{repo1: repository(name: "Learning-Grid", owner: "arkhangelsk") {createdAtiddescriptionhomepageUrl}repo2: repository(name: "tech-journal", owner: "arkhangelsk"){createdAtiddescriptionhomepageUrl}}
- Fragments
- Used to request recurring fields and avoid duplication
- Useful when populating data into user interface components that use the same data.
{repo1: repository(name: "Learning-Grid", owner: "arkhangelsk") {...repoFields}repo2: repository(name: "tech-journal", owner: "arkhangelsk"){...repoFields}}fragment repoFields on Repository {idcreatedAtdescription}
- Nested Fields The set of fields requested in an operation can be nested within another field.
query {viewer {loginidrepositories(first: 20) {edges {node {idname}}}}}
Naming a query
- You can give a readable and descriptive name to a query. It allows an easy reference when you are looking for a particular query in your codebase
- Query name can be quite helpful for debugging and server-side logging.
Note: Both the query keyword and the query name can be omitted but it's better to include them to make your code less ambiguous.
query FirstTwentyRepos{viewer {loginidrepositories(first: 20) {edges {node {idname}}}}}
Defining a variable
- You can make your queries much more flexible and dynamic by passing variables using query variables panel.
query OrgSTT($login: String!){organization(login: $login){idname}}//Query Variable:{ "login": "softwaretestingtrends" }
Defining multiple variables:
query OrgSTT($login: String!, $number: Int!){organization(login: $login){idnamememberStatuses(first: $number) {edges {node {id}}}}}//Query Variable:{"login": "softwaretestingtrends","number": 5}
- used for making data modifications
- similar to PUT & DELETE requests in REST
- data is sent as payload in a mutation
What is required to make a graphql query:
- Schema definition -> schema defines the query type.
- A resolver for each endpoint.
Schema Example: Construct a schema, using GraphQL schema language
import { buildSchema} from 'graphql';const schema = buildSchema(`type Query {hello: String}`)export default schema;
Resolver Example:
const app = express();const root = { hello: () => "Hi, I'm Ambreen." };app.use('/graphql', graphqlHTTP({schema: schema,rootValue: root,graphiql: true,}))
Mutation Example (List of types inside another):
import { buildSchema} from 'graphql';const schema = buildSchema(`type Friend {id: ID,firstName: StringlastName: Stringgender: Genderage: Intemail: Stringcontacts : [ Contact ]}enum Gender {MALEFEMALEOTHER}type Contact {firstName : StringlastName: String}type Query {getFriend(id: ID) : Friend}input FriendInput {id: IDfirstName: StringlastName: Stringgender: Genderage: Intemail: Stringcontacts: [ ContactInput ]}input ContactInput {firstName: StringlastName: String}type Mutation {createFriend(input: FriendInput) : Friend}`)export default schema;
GraphQL Query:
mutation {createFriend(input: {firstName: "Ambreen"lastName: "Khan"gender: FEMALEcontacts: [ {firstName: "Robin", lastName: "Hudson"},{firstName: "James", lastName: "Tiley"}]}){idcontacts {firstNamelastName}}}
Practice Time
Github API:
- Github API Explorer:
- Github API: